
I have been thinking a lot about finding my human and wondering if I even need to still be searching. I mean, I will be 50 in August and while there’s a certain amount of freedom that comes with age, I find myself wondering about companionship.

Like, I wonder if I am truly supposed to have another adulty human to do life with… or if life will be some random crazy quilt of friendships that come and go, enriching life and teaching lessons as they go.

My career as a pattern watcher and trend noticer has bled over into my love life (or lack thereof). I find myself noting a trend in partner choices.

1. He has a very strong sense of home and family– often living in the same place for most of his life.

2. He has longevity and steadfastness in his career choice– often 20 odd years in the same field, maybe even the same company.

3. He doesn’t wear a tie to work.

4. He gives me space because I’m a crazy busy single mom (which is more likely a defense mechanism on his part)

5. Because of #4, he often tells me I need to rest more.

Singlehood..nearly 5 yrs of it, has me hyper aware of those people and situations that leave me feeling elated vs feeling drained. And… I have learned that it may be a 1 way street. Those who literally pull the plug for me often don’t see that they drain the life out of me.

That’s the hard part of being single… or perhaps just being an empath who is single.

More to come…