Rough week

Yep, been a rough week. Why write about it? Well, because I know I’m not the only one having a bit of a side ways slide and I figure we can all relate and find encouragement with each other

It is mainly self talk. I see all those catchy phrases and memes about God not making junk and him thinking the world needed one of me… forgive the eye roll. Yeah. Well. I am still working on me. I still have to look myself in the mirror, deal with my body’s aches and pains daily, battle demons of depression… and SOMETIMES sometimes. I. Just. Can’t. Anymore.

I become frustrated and wonder if God is in the recycle or repurposing business because my brokenness gets the better of me. I have a love/hate relationship with the idea of staying in bed for a couple of days. I love the idea and yet it is not possible. I have things I have been called to do, and whether I want to or not… I can’t stay horizontal, hiding in my blankets for more than my allotted time to sleep.

Which brings me back to a rough week.

See, rough weeks start and end in our heads. I make it a point to tell Thomas that he will have such a great day at school before he gets on the bus. It’s like stacking the deck in his favor. But what do I do to stack my own? Nothing. I pray with a sense of defeatedness, expect little or nothing because of said defeatedness and then wonder why I walk around feeling like I am hiking barefoot through 3 ft of snow, up hill, both ways.

Now I am not naive enough to believe positive thinking cures everything. In fact, I am POSITIVE it doesn’t. However, I do think that rethinking our responses and rethinking our prayer lives help us fully understand the heart of the Father. After all, what is rethinking? Repentance. (Ouch)

Even Jesus said we do not have because we don’t ask, nor do we ask with the right heart (James 4). What would happen in those weeks when we “just can’t ” we “just” prayed? I mean, nothing else. And in the event you can’t utter a prayer, or don’t know what to pray for in your situation, pray for the Spirit to pray on your behalf (Romans 8). Yep, that’s all scriptural.

See, God is generous with his time. He hears us even when we don’t think he does. And that goes for having a rough week. When I struggle most with feeling loved, and I am too beaten down to pray, I know the Spirit is interceding on my behalf. Likewise when I know a sister is struggling, I intercede on her behalf. We are built for relationships. So, when you are having a rough week and you don’t know what else to do, pray.

Even if the words go something like this: God I know you hear. Holy Spirit pray for me because I don’t know how.